Ambitious Tanzania and AIESEC University of Dar es Salaam join forces on SASI program

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The Startup and Small Business Internship program (SASI) will be launched this Friday, 24th of September

SASI is an ambitious program that brings young people and young businesses together to help each other grow. The objective is for participating students to gain new knowledge and hone their existing skills through this experience and through mentorship. It is about taking their entrepreneurial intentions to the next level, providing the necessary direction, and maximizing its benefit to their entrepreneurial careers.

The SASI program hopes to bring its positive impact of bridging the skill gap among youth by providing experiential learning within start-ups and SMEs coupled with mentorships from seasoned professionals.

Focusing the program on start-ups and SMEs is meant to be beneficial for the companies as well, and the idea behind it is to make them grow too. In the Tanzanian business world, 95% of companies are micro, small, or medium enterprises. Thus, the development of start-ups and SMEs will undoubtedly positively affect the national unemployment rate and the Tanzanian economy as a whole.

However, these start-ups and SMEs also face challenges in human resources and will need support from SASI to recognize and meet their talent needs.

Registration link:

And if you want to participate and/or support this project, here are some ways to do so:

1.     Become a SASI company: Sign up your start-up/SME to the program. Please show your interest by signing up HERE.

2.     Become a mentor: Sign up to mentor an intern or two in their journey. Use your professional experience to help students and recent graduates grow in their professional interests as well. Sign up HERE to become a mentor

3.     Become a trainer: Help SASI by volunteering to train students and founders in different skills that will help them grow. Sign up HERE.

4.     Provide Financial Support: Support the running of the program by providing monetary or in-kind sponsorship to support the young volunteers in the program and facilitate the running of the program. 


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